Support my campaign to be your NEXT MP for Weald of Kent

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About Lenny

I am Lenny Rolles and I am standing as the Labour candidate, determined to give voters in the Weald of Kent a real choice and opportunity to end 14 years of Conservative chaos and complacency. I recently stood as the Labour candidate in the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner election.

I was born and raised in rural communities in Kent and live in the county with my wife and daughter. I am an experienced campaigner; whilst working for a national charity I brought enforcement agencies together, developing targeted solutions to fight and reduce organised crime. I worked with the NFU on legislation to improve the welfare of fly grazed horses and protect landowners.

For more than a decade I have served my community as a Councillor in Gravesham, chairing local partnerships and acting as a charity trustee. I am dedicated to public service, standing up for residents and representing their views. I will use this experience to champion the needs of communities in the Weald of Kent.

I am proud to be Labour’s candidate in this large rural constituency in the heart of the Garden of England. I am seeking your support in this election and will act on the priorities of people in the Weald of Kent with a Labour government that will tackle the cost of living crisis, restore our NHS, build affordable homes, repair our potholed roads, improve our bus and rail services, restore local policing, and support hard pressed farmers & small businesses. It is time for change in Britain and in the Weald of Kent too.

Labour Party Manifesto 2024

Labour’s manifesto for change is a plan to kickstart economic growth by reforming Britain’s economy and bring about a decade of renewal.

This manifesto is an ambitious programme driven by belief in our country and its potential for the future. It is the change the country needs.

Our plan for Britain is a fully costed, fully funded, credible plan to turn the country around after 14 years of the Conservatives. It contains a tax lock for working people – a pledge not to raise rates of income tax, national insurance or VAT.

It is proof of a changed Labour Party with Keir Starmer that will change Britain – if people vote for change in the general election on Thursday 4 July.

Labour’s manifesto is built around five national missions to end sticking plaster politics, end the chaos, turn the page and meet the long-term challenges the country faces.

Labour’s first steps for change show how we will begin to achieve those missions, with plans to deliver economic stability, cut NHS waiting times, launch a new Border Security Command, set up Great British Energy, crackdown on antisocial behaviour and recruit 6,500 new teachers.

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